
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Food for CHARITY

Well we can all think of ways to celebrate with food! Food is every where and it makes a meeting, a family gathering, the SuperBowl - it's always about the food, right? Well, what about those who don't have the means to cook a great meal, those who are homeless, or can't afford food, and these folks with children! Well lets find and post ways to give to those less fortunate. One way is through Please take a minute to read the heartfelt Christian message that stands behind this website and give today! They badly need your support - fundraising can be teamed with your child's school through a simple act of collecting change each day for a two or four week time period. Or how about having the office match your donation. We can all find some spare change to give! If you have a charitable site that helps with those in need that help with food programs, well we want to hear about them - post and share your story today!

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