
Monday, March 31, 2008

REcylcing, Freecycle, Freeganism

Let's open up some discussion here about the above topics! I am curious and finding myself researching the above alot lately. I would love to be enlightened further about all the areas and share some of my ideas for recycling. I wish to know more about the rest and try to find groups in our area that participate in freecycling and freeganism as this seems quite interesting after I viewed these areas on Oprah. So let's talk.

Recycling. EARTH DAY first off should not just be a day or called such this should be EARTH, 24/7/365 AWARE! Sure all the hype is here, but there are still many who are now down playing the importance in protecting our environment and calling it a political ploy, etc. I believe we can all get involved and this involvement starts at home in ways many of us to not even think of. Ways that go beyond recycling cans and bottles. For example:
*Send your kids with a lunch box filled with plastic containers that can be refilled and washed versus using baggies.
* Use your own bags for groceries - no matter where u go - don't accept the plastic or paper bags. Forgot them in the car? No problem (I do all the time) Just don't have them bagged - when you get to the car - load them in your bags that you keep stored in your trunk.
* Replace ALL your light bulbs with energy efficient ones.
* Eliminate all clothes, shoes, dishes, etc that you do not use - recycle by giving them and paying it forward to organizations that can use them, i.e. - homeless shelters, battered women shelters, churches, etc. Do the same with non-perishables in the kitchen cupboard - give them to a local food pantry or group that feeds the community, etc.
* Stop buying water bottles - buy 2.5 gallon jugs or filter your water - this stops the waste and the recycling and saves you money. Put a refillable jug in your children's lunch.
* Keep lights off in your home, TVs off in rooms, etc - where no one is in the room. Shower with the lights off, turn the water off while shaving or shampooing or soaping up - Leave a bucket in the shower and water your plants with the extra water.
* BE CREATIVE - and please share your thoughts and IDEAS for all!!
* THIS IS A WASTEFUL WORLD - let's fix it ONE step at a TIME - use your VOICE, COMMUNICATE - to the WORLD your IDEAS today!

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